Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aaj ka Indian Politician

Name of the substance: Aaj ka Indian Politician
Age: 18th Century+

Colour: Initially can be of any colour, but turns to Pink of Health when elected and gradually to Green of Money

State: Highly Volatile

Odour: Money-like

Favourite Colour: White and Green (of Money, not Nature)
Favourite Words/Phrases: "Desh", "Desh ki Janta", "Berozgari", "Gareebi", "Anyay",...

1. Full of wit and humour
2. Very caring and devoted during Election Campaigns
3. Loses all his sanity, sensibility and wisdom once voted to Power
4. Is thoroughly knowledgable, detailed and energetic when sitting in the Opposition
5. Is in a Parasitic relationship with the Public
6. Takes all the credit of all good things, and scatters all blame on others for all mishaps.

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