Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Tale of the "Hanging Tooth"

When it comes to things, events, moments related to my childhood, i am as nostalgic as it can get! And, very often i run into incidents that keep reminding me of my childhood.

Being a child- WOW! :) That was clearly a no-hassles period! And to see, i used to feel stressed even then. Funny, no?!

Last week, i dreamt of "tooth decay". Seriously! in the dream, i was trying to pull out one of my teeth, which had decayed and already a bit loose from the gums. I woke up suddenly, but, with the images from the "milk-tooth" phase of my childhood; how at one point of time, my mouth had more vacant spaces than actual teeth. No, i am not talking about the teething phase here.

Every loose teeth brought with it, immense pain and more than immense fear- Pain brought by my insistence to keep on hanging with the hanging tooth, and fear of how much pain it would again cause when it actually left my gums! I would try to bear with the 'hanging tooth' until it voluntarily detached itself from his beloved gums. All this time, it would hamper my day-to-day activities. The 'hanging tooth' would 'half-roam' inside my mouth; made eating an arduous affair; and would bleed untimely, causing me to stop all activities that i would be indulged in.

My elder brother (who is similar to all brothers in ruthlessness, scare tactics and pure cruelty) was of the opinion that one should not wait for the 'voluntary fall' of the tooth, but tear it out from its roots as and when it started 'hanging', thereby preventing this extended duration of pain and inactivity. Haah.. tearing the loose tooth would cause tons of more pain!! No?!

One day as i was struggling with my loose tooth and moaning as usual about how it disturbed me, my brother asked if he could examine 'the' tooth? I, as you can understand, did NOT Trust Him! He knew this too.
Moments later, he came to me again. This time he had brought some solution with him. It was white and green. He declared that if that solution was applied to the gums, it would immediately relieve me of all pain. Thank you! I was suddenly more than ready to apply that solution on the gums. He offered to apply it. Obviously, he had a better view of the problematic tooth, so i accepted the generous offer. He was so caring. He applied the solution and had my 'hanging tooth' held between his fingers too!

He had accomplished the task of tearing out the loose tooth and was so happy. Cruel! And, that solution was his invention- a mixture of chalk powder and scraps of "Margo" soap!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Anna Hazare Sahab and the Jan Lokpal bill- My feelings, My Expectations!

Anna Hazare - A name, then, i had never heard of; and now, i am extremely proud of.

Some people are his fierce, extremely loyal supporters, some his ardent critics, some call him "Aaj ka Gandhi", some even include him among the corrupt.

What does he mean to me? He, to me, is a ray of hope, a flicker of light in the darkness, a sign of clarity in my earlier state of utter confusion.
Yes, i am not a "Delhi Belly" fan; i don't approve of songs like "Dum Maaro Dum- Unche se uncha banda..". But, i don't always acknowledge this in public because i am not sure how the people around me would react to my sensibilities. Day after day, things like these and many more, would get me depressed over where we are taking our country; why is there moral degradation among our youth; why guys and girls of my age-group don't take our cultural heritage seriously; why even my friends make fun of me when i talk vehemently about morality, truth and humanity?

This great man- Hazare sahab, has shown me that the same youth who used to hide its Emotional Quotient behind its Intelligence Quotient, can stir up the whole system once it understands its own importance, the part it plays in our society.

Hazare sahab is hailed by men and women alike, by both young and old. People from all castes, religions, and all walks of life have gathered in his support. Am i dreaming? This has given me extreme happiness and made me so proud of my people all over again.

I had started to live in a bubble where i was exasperated- over the way corruption had eaten away the whole system; over how those elected to power by us to take us to new heights, had thrown us in deeper lows; over the trust in our highly educated and experienced politicians that was shattered; which had created only confusion in my mind about whom to choose when everybody is corrupt and selfish. That is slowly giving way to an altogether different phase of action, hope, energy, increasing clarity.

Jan Lokpal Bill-- A lot has already been said about its advantages over the Government's Lokpal Bill, so i won't go through the technical details of it again. Why do 'i' want it? Why do 'i' support it?

A young politician recently said in a discussion that we have laws in place to curb corruption, those should be enacted upon properly instead of launching another law in the name of Jan Lokpal. They say that there are chances that that one person, the Lokpal can fall prey to corruption too, then who would be responsible for his/her misdeeds?
I agree that the Lokpal can fall prey to corruption too. Then, he can be tried for his acts too. But, is it logical that because of being scared of this one person getting corrupt, a law which can punish hundreds of corrupt officials out there, should not be created?
However, i do not think that there is no need for Jan Lokpal when there are several laws already for prevention and cure of corruption. No, there is no law which asks for dismissal of a senior official at once when he is chargesheeted, there is no law to cause speedy trial and punishment for the corrupt, and for similar other cases.

I was a child when the Monica Lewinsky scandal shook the US. I don't remember the exact details of it, nor did i, then understand the exact nature of Bill Clinton's offence. But, i do remember how i was surprised at the speed and exactness with which the trial against Clinton took place; at the impeachment procedure (though i didn't know what it meant, i was sure it was a kind of, disgracing trial for the accused); and at how simple everything was for them. How could they try the President and punish him too? Weren't they afraid of his 'power'? How come Clinton could not manipulate the judiciary and get away with the blame?

I want trials like these, for the corrupt and accused in our country too; and i expect Jan Lokpal to bring that.

Those on senior posts, the politicians, the 'powerful', are not fearful of the Law. They and their long-distance relatives, and sometimes, even those from their villages feel proud of breaking the law and manipulating things for their own good.

I want this 'Gundaraaj' to end; and i expect Jan Lokpal to do that.

I am not stupidly enthusiastic about the glorious era that Jan Lokpal can bring in our country. I am not a die-hard believer of the fact Jan Lokpal can actually remove all of the existing corruption. I do not have a blind faith on the righteousness of the Jan Lokpal.

But, if truly, Jan Lokpal can not do these things, then why is the government scared of it? Why has the thing come so far that it became a revolution?

I am simply hopeful. And, Thank you Annaji, for waking up the youth; for bringing the 'D.K.Bose.. generation' back to its roots.; for making 'being patriotic' and 'Vande Mataram' fashionable again! Thank you so much!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Favourite Political Party: Do i have a choice?

One thing that the opposition party is very constructive and energetic about today is 'Criticism', and i am surely appreciative of it. It's their job and they are doing it fine.
But.... are they really doing this for 'Us- the Janta', or for their own benefit??

Why didn't they take up the opportunity of setting up an atmosphere of the right governance, when they had the chance to do so? What happened to their intelligence, logic, rationalism, sensibility, energy, sanity (which is on display right now); when they were actually in government?

I sincerely do not want to have a doubt, but this is the same party which had left me disillusioned only a few years ago, for whose "India Shining" campaign's failure i had secretly prayed too!

Several years have passed since Bill Clinton's impeachment procedure. But, for the past week, the hazy memory of it, is recurring in my thoughts. As I have accepted earlier, that i am not a 'Gyaani' of politics; i can not understand why trial and punishment for the 'bad' politicians (Bad of any kind) of other countries is so speedy and easy, no matter at what level he is?? Why are the sons and daughters (Or cousin, or nephew, or friends' in-laws' friends' sons, etc.) of senior politicians in other countries not treated as the senior politician himself?? And, why the same does not happen in our country?

I think i digressed from the main point, or may be not. May be it's an offshoot of the thought process involving our politicians. I only meant, when in our country all politicians (no matter which political party they belong to), are of the same kind (when in power, mind it!)- Greedy, Multi-faced, very very powerful, superficial- then, who should i look upto??

I know, for sure that in the next general elections, i am not voting for the current party forming the government... and, i can not vote for the party in opposition today just because i am not voting for the former.......... the question is-- Do i have a choice? Whom should i want to get elected to power? Who is my favourite politician now??

I feel really like the "Aam Aadmi" again... 'Bechara', confused, choiceless, and truly 'Gareeb'.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Politics- I know nothing of it!

The previously posted definition is a result of my ongoing state of severe unrest which the daily news have caused. What has happened to our politicians? Were there really people like Baba Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Dr.Rajendra Prasad, Shastriji? Or, are these fictional characters like Krishna and Ram?

I have not known any Indian politician belonging to "my times", whom i can remember with respect; who stirs feelings of "Indianness" in me; who makes me try to be like him/her.

It was not always like this. A few years ago, i had immense respect and liking for one of our politicians. She is continuously taunted for not being "Indian", therefore not being understanding enough of our well-being. I thought nothing of those petty remarks and disliked the section of people who in my opinion were not focused on the real work that the lady was doing for us. I had been in awe of her sheer grit, strength, iron-will, focus, attention to detail, and the way she had brought back her party to power, after its unforgettable downfall. The party was not communal, people friendly and catered to the needy and poor; so, even the party gained my respect and acceptance.

Before embarking upon the story further, let me first explain that i am, by no means a "Gyaani of Politics". Till now, i was a happy, typical "common man", who is solely interested in what affects his/her life.

So, why the outburst???

This "common man" has suddenly found her life plagued by hundreds of issues in a head-on collision. No matter from which angle i try to look at them, they seem to be connected to today's political scenario.

Delving further into the flashback, when there was a time that i was supporting the party for its ideology, i was also disliking its biggest opponent party for being too religion-centric and not doing enough (it was still in power then). I had secretly hoped that it's "India Shining" campaign would nose dive. I smiled. My prayers were answered. My favourite party got elected to the Centre with a wide margin. All through those 5 years, i could not stop appreciating the developmental work done in our country, the employment opportunities generated, etc, etc. Come election time again, and i was superbly confident of the win of my favourite party again.

Is that confidence still there? Has the smile widened or waned? Am i any more respectful of my then favourite party or the hard-working lady from that party? How have i changed?

Aaj ka Indian Politician

Name of the substance: Aaj ka Indian Politician
Age: 18th Century+

Colour: Initially can be of any colour, but turns to Pink of Health when elected and gradually to Green of Money

State: Highly Volatile

Odour: Money-like

Favourite Colour: White and Green (of Money, not Nature)
Favourite Words/Phrases: "Desh", "Desh ki Janta", "Berozgari", "Gareebi", "Anyay",...

1. Full of wit and humour
2. Very caring and devoted during Election Campaigns
3. Loses all his sanity, sensibility and wisdom once voted to Power
4. Is thoroughly knowledgable, detailed and energetic when sitting in the Opposition
5. Is in a Parasitic relationship with the Public
6. Takes all the credit of all good things, and scatters all blame on others for all mishaps.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Going Bald!

As my fingers type words on the keyboard, several images flip through my mind... of my confusion when i saw bunches of hair being washed off with the henna that i had applied on my hair; of my horror when with every move, my comb pulled out millions of my hair like weeds; of people staring over my head as if i am wearing a snake on it; of women i used to meet on bus rides or metro rides with similar 'hair' state; of my mother getting really worried about how i would get married!.. sigh!

For ages, men have struggled with the scary phenomenon of "Male Balding or Baldness (whatever) pattern", and the good news is that they are not alone now as we "women" have joined the bandwagon too. And, believe me, it is a hell lot scarier now that i am suffering from it too.

It is not the condition which is scary though. It is the endless 'concerned' reactions that make it pathetic and renders us miserable. There have been numerous occasions when i am completely oblivious of my 'condition', am utterly happy enjoying the moment, when a sudden comment from a 'concerned' fellow tears me off my "happy, oblivious state" and makes me highly conscious of the hair on my scalp, or let's say, my scalp!

"Hey, your scalp is showing!" (Thank you for the information, i didn't know it actually!)..

"What happened to your hair darling!? ch ch" (This is the latest trend you see! and am following it to the hilt)..

"Why don't you do something for your hair?!" (I am so lazy that i am not bothered about my beauty or health at all..and have not done anything for it, but i would surely look for an expert advice now that you have motivated me to do it!)
Or a simple, continuous, unwavering gaze................... long enough for me to realise it but not enough for the gazer to realise that i can feel it to my bones!

These are only a few of the caring comments i am subjected to everyday. Let me tell you very frankly that when my hair started to fall (about 10 years from now), i was worried and distraught, but for how long can i be in the same state of mind? Slowly, i became used to the scanty hair on my scalp (the front part, actually), but it seems my 'friends' are not!

Dear friends, it is not helpful when you react like fools; it is not convenient when you don't know when to avert your gaze; it is not being "concerned" when you give your innocent remarks in public. It's fine if you know and understand; it's even greater if you choose to ignore and continue to be a "B****"! After all, it gives me the strength to live with what i can not change; it makes me more prepared to handle my "hairless" state.

And, concluding, let me share an interesting piece of trivia, i simply love sindoor! You can imagine my terrorised mind when the 'Sindoordan' ceremony was being performed during my wedding. It can't get any better than this- hundreds of people staring at your scalp, i mean, Hair partition under the light of the videographer highlighting the minutest details. I could not stop laughing at my condition then, and with every passing day, i am more reminded of the little hair on my head as i adorn my really broad middle 'maanng' with sindoor everyday. I know i can do a side partition and add a small line of sindoor to my forehead and not in the middle hair partition, same as many Hindu women do today, and relax! However, i think i am too desi to do that! So, i have to live with it and be happy!

By the way, my mother's worry of how i would get married, got solved very nicely, and i have found a great life partner with the same condition, yes, "Male Balding / Baldness (Whatever) Pattern'!